如果你跟我一樣是愛狗人士,你會喜歡讀這些關於狗的可愛名言,以下收集了一些最被熱愛的狗狗佳言錄,這些句子是你下次去狗公園、寵物店、寵物美容中心或其他 相關活動時,與人交談最好的開場白。你也可以用這些話來做個人化的祝賀卡片,只要掃瞄你家狗狗的照片放在封面,然後把這些佳句放在內頁。讓我們一起看看吧!
Here's my top 10 dog quotes:
1. "Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in" - Mark Twain
「如果有功德才能上天堂,你的狗可以進去,你得被排除在外。」- Mark Twain
2. "To err is human" To forgive, canine" - Anonymous
「人會犯錯,犬會原諒」- Anonymous
3. "They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation" - Jerome K. Jerome
「他們不會談論自己,但會聽你分享自己的事情,且保持對這番對話的高度興趣。」- Jerome K. Jerome
4. "My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she's not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing" - Lonzo Idolswine
「無論我做什麼我的狗都會很高興,因為他不會被我『應該』做什麼的概念影響。」- Lonzo Idolswine
5. "You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us." - Robert Louis Stevenson
「你以為狗不會上天堂嗎?我告訴你,他們會待得比我們任何一個人還久」-Robert Louis Stevenson
「世界上沒有一個精神科醫生的治療,能比得上一隻小狗舔你的臉。」- Bern Williams
7. "Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job" - Franklin P. Jones「幫狗抓癢,你會找到一個永久的工作」- Franklin P. Jones
8. "Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails" - Max Eastman
「狗會笑,但是他們用尾巴笑。」- Max Eastman
「識人越深,愛狗越深。」- Mme. de Stael
10. "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole" - Roger Caras
「狗不是我們生命的全部但是他會使我們生命完整。」- Roger Caras